Living a Full-Filling Life Part 3 ...How to
Please get yourself a piece of paper...Be creative perhaps it's a yellow piece of paper with a red pen, how about different colored markers... Think I like color? :) Love color!
Give your self three minutes and just allow yourself to draw , makes lines , circles, dots etc...
Close your eyes lightly , slow your breathe and begin to think of your heart, perhaps even place your hands on your heart...Now begin to think of the light with in you , allow that light (Soul) to surround your heart with pure love... BE here for a few minutes...
1) Ask your self what am I missing in my life? Write it down.
2) Who has a life that You would like to model after? Write it down.
2a) What are the qualities of their life that YOU would like to start implementing now? Write it down.
3) What do YOU want to start believing and knowing to BE true about you now? Write it down.
4) What are three feelings you want to start feeling now? Yes write it down...:)
5) SEE yourself doing, living BEING now...Write it down...
6) What are three words, sentences YOU are hearing that support and honor YOU... example" I can do it" , "Love" " Health" "FUN" " Freedom"
Give yourself 5 minutes of stillness and begin to create a moving picture show in your mind that makes your heart and soul so completely happy...Perhaps you even have butterflies in your Tummy because YOU are so excited . YES you have the power with in YOU to begin living a life that honors YOU now...
Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes in the morning and at night... Congratulations!!! YOU have taken your first step in discovering how to have/lead a Full-Filling life...
May your day bring YOU possibility , be open to receive! How do you do that ... Say to your self" I am open to receive all the possibility that honors me"
How will You bring kindness to your community today? It can be as simple as a beautiful smile.