MONEY/ Values/Family/Work/Health/Beliefs
Rohan( Inner Power, Greatness, Take Action) Willie( Play , Fun, take care of self) | |
I am surrounded by the Greatest teachers daily: Horses, dogs and Nature...Kids
Yes I am very blessed, and I give thanks all the time.
I have been struggling with not having enough time and conflict between growing my business, enjoying being a care taker and nurturer... having more money, health...Which all come down to what are MY values and beliefs... The past two weeks have been an example of that to the max...Rohan and Willie above helped me to figure in out today. The horses give you/me a live representation of what is going on inside of you to watch.
I watched them be serious for a while , then run and play , eat , drink water, Be still ... Back to playing ... they kept repeating this over and over , and over and over again... until I got it !!!
Eat your greens, refuel, rest... |
Oh did I get it ... It's that word Balance. Being crystal clear about our/your beliefs and values. There is no right or wrong ...what looks , feels great to you?...
What I know to be true for me. perhaps you'll be able to relate or find part of this to be helpful in your life.
Money: I always have just enough...I trust , and I'm open to receive , but for some reason I only have just enough no matter what action I take... Guess why that is?
It's my belief around money...I grew up in a family watching and hearing there is only just enough, you can't have that, people who have money are horrible and hurt the earth,etc...17 years of hearing that , puts your unconscious mind on autopilot to keep believing and reinforcing that belief... Can I change that, yes I can ... Can you change that? OH YES YOU Can !!!Is it hard work...It's not physically hard , it's a mental challenge because I/you have to change a belief that was not mine/yours , but became mine/ yours...Does that make sense? I allowed that belief to become part of me ...It was my Choice. You have allowed all your beliefs to be part of you.
This is were intention , visualization, affirmations come in...I am creating a different picture in my head of what my bank account looks like much is in there? I hear the bank teller telling me , I tell myself all day long saying what my new truth is "money easily flows to me, I am so thankful"... I see the world/ my world as how I want to believe it to be...that is what I want to bring into my experience. I am creating a new belief around money for me. ( I have successfully done this with my relationship with my children and CG , my health, and the 2000 plus clients I have had the honor to work with over the years. I know it works!)
Is it going to take some action on my part ,yes it is! Being open to receive to me, MEANS, I'm allowing the path way to make money , healthy relationship, Being healthy , to be cleared , if I stand there and don't move ,nothing will happen , if I choose to walk down that path , I'll have many doors to choice from and twist and turns which are all opportunity, learning experiences which will guide me, bring me to what I now believe and I'm living...That is why, what you believe, to be true, for you, IS... There is no right or wrong, it is literally what your brain thinks...
Rohan & Willie. | |
For me I need to be connected to my inner power, I believe that to be fact for each of us, I need to quiet my mind , while thinking of my flow , sacral ( 2" below the belly button), heart-Love , intuition (third eye , between your eye brows),
I 'll sit for 15-30 minutes at a time twice a day ... The peace that I experience , what I will know and the opportunities that begin to flow... When I don't do this, I go back to my hold beliefs and patterns very quickly ... self doubt comes health starts to go down hill, I make less money, I'll gain a few pounds, etc...
My favorite book on Meditation is " Meditation within Eternity" By Eric Pepin... Meditation is stilling the mind... Eric Pepin does am amazing job of explaining the process , hows an whys so clearly...Changed my life for the positive... NO I am not an affiliate , I just really like the book :)!
Make you take 5 minutes daily to review your beliefs, become aware of how you talk to yourself ,the words you use, Gain clarity on what you need now...Life is a gift, it can be taken away in a second... Live your best life , Love all day long! Be Happy!