Feelings and Emotions
What do they mean? Are you really listening and hearing your inner guidance system?
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Helena( our very dear friend) and Asia - Graduation picture . |
If your frustrated but the mere thought of how, why you are feeling the way you are , STOP take in a very deep breath , hold it for 4 seconds and as slowly as you can exhale and know that you are not alone. The horses and I created "Equine Human Connection" to empower folks to understand the importance of your feelings, emotions = your inner guidance system. Do you need to come to the ranch and work with the horses to understand this all, NO , a daily commitment to YOU is where it all starts.
Ask yourself right now "What am I feeling? Where am I feeling it?" "What is the message , what do I need to know, now?" " What will I do with this knowledge"? "How can I implement this into my life"? " How does that make me feel"?
This all my seem silly but your body truly is talking to you through emotion. There are many books out there that write about dis-ease being associated to your emotions. ( Louise Hay- Heal your Life) .
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Asia teaches you about your inner power |
Here are a few examples from clients that the horses and I assist.( I've changed their names)
Connie was struggling with sadness , being lonely and her weight . The more Connie's energy was focused on sadness and being lonely the sadder she became and lonelier. Remember we get what we focus on. What is the opposite of sad-Happy , opposite of lonely - ________. The horses and I helped Connie figure out where she felt the above emotions , in her heart and stomach. Connie's body was giving her signals trying to communicate with her but she wasn't hearing .
Connie was able to figure out she was eating to stuff her emotions . Connie know has the awareness to check in with how she's feeling before she eats and ask herself a list of questions .
1) Am I Hungry? If answer is yes , enjoy your healthy food , if NO ask yourself more questions.
2) How is my body feeling light or heavy? Heavy normally represents a block.
3)What is this feeling telling me ?
4) What can I do about it?
5) Am I being honoring and loving to me?
When your heart is sad and you want love it becomes a mixed signal . Every time you think of love since it's related to sadness you kept getting the same result more sadness. Is this all confusing , yes , it is at first due to majority of people including me weren't raised to tune into what you are feeling.
Feelings give you information on how you are responding to you, a person , situation, experience etc.
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Horses roll modeling confusion |
Tony normally works with the horses to brain storm business ideas. Tony newest business adventure wasn't progressing as planned due to feelings and emotions he was ignoring. As Tony attempted to work with the horses to bring work problem to a conscious level what unfolded was feelings he was putting a side regarding his girl friend. A few things in their long term relationship created red flags for him and he wasn't acknowledging what he was feeling. As my grandma would say " emotions and feelings were being swept under the rug" . You can only keep swiping dirt under the rub for so long and then it begins to build up and seep out creating dust . Hided emotions and thoughts create dust of their own which are blocks that turn into walls which will negatively affect all areas of your life.
When Tony tuned in to what he was feeling he discovered that he was frustrated , angry with his girlfriend due to she would say one thing and do something else . At first it started out being little thing, then it happened again , and again . She always told him after about her change of plans it just didn't feel good to him . Tony talked about his feelings , which brought up could he trust his girlfriend , which went to he didn't trust is ex-wife , which brought past hurts from his childhood and how he felt abandoned couldn't trust his parents .
Can you relate this all to someplace in your life? I know I can.
The fire department teaches you to STOP * Drop and Roll if you are on fire . To me feelings left unattended are similar to a smoldering fire which left alone will turn into a out of control blaze.When it comes to feelings I say " Stop * Feel * Acknowledge".
Connie has made a daily commitment to her feelings and know has more energy and joy than anyone I know plus she's healthy , slim and fit.
Tony's newest business adventure is a success and he and his long term girlfriend are becoming better communicators.
Please check is with yourself a few times a day and ask yourself "How am I feeling"? " How could my relationships be more fulfilling"? "Does this feel good" "Am I honoring me"? "Is this in my best interest"? "Am I making the right decision for all concerned"? "Am I making the world a better place"? " Is this my problem or someone else s"?
Human beings have incredible instincts and an internal guidance system be sure yours in turned on , BE present , BE aware , Feel , BE thankful you are alive . We do live in a beautiful world that does get better every day , when in doubt reflect on the dark ages , We have come a long way baby.
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Phlaggston and I , we have been a team for 19 years and still going strong. |