Trust & Freedom
Woke up the other day to Willie & Lillie ( miniature horses) running free... Yes they were having so much FUN!!! They were FREE...
One of the horses let the Mini's out of their paddocks.
I have been so nervous about putting the mini's in with the herd. The herd was so gentle and kind to the mini's ...
TRUST: I have been forced to let go of keeping the mini's "safe" and allow them to have their freedom...
Willie enjoying his new found daily freedom.
Eagle guarding over Lillie & Willie...
Phlaggston & Ghost eating their morning mash , they made Lillie & Willie stay on the other side of the fence
Beautiful Willie
Phlaggston hanging out with the Mini's
Willie & Lillie are a huge reminder to all of us at how important FREEDOM is in all of our lives. Freedom allows you to experience more happiness, more creativity, more health, more well-Being, more peace etc... Being able to trust in the process of life... I am very thankful for the lesson and importance of freedom that the mini's taught me this week..
This holiday season be aware of the animals around you and what they are trying to communicate and teach you (us)...
Are you aware at this exact moment?
Do you have an awareness of how you are feeling?
Do you know that what you are feeling, you , yes YOU are manifesting more of that in your life NOW?
Look deep into Monty's eyes , can you feel his compassion? gentleness? tenderness? Love? The knowing?
The Horses here teach you about the importance of what you are Feeling , thinking and yes believing...
Can you teach yourself the importance of Feeling ? Yes YOU can!!! It starts with knowing what you want to be experiencing, How do you want to feel, knowing you can be anything you want to be...
Spend time daily out side being quiet... What thoughts come to you? How do you want to be living, feeling and believing differently now? Who or what do you need to find forgiveness for? What actions steps do you need to start taking? How do you want to BE feeling?You decide how you want to be feeling...Are your feelings honoring of you? IS it that simple ? Yes it is!!!
Freedom and Asia |
This is the time of year in the United States that we celebrate Thanksgiving ... To me it's also a time that I personally spend huge amounts of time on all that I am Thank-Full for...
I am most thankful for Being born ,My parents, my three amazing children, Family , Friends, all my teachers including animals, being able to breathe with ease, having hay to feed the horses, forgiving myself and others and Loving myself unconditionally... My list is endless...
What are you Thank-Full for?
Perhaps it's seeing the light and darkness in all
Maybe it's hanging out with ponies and friends
Perhaps it's a beautiful sun set?
Summer time?
Enjoying all the beauty that surrounds you
Winter Sports or Being able to run...
We bring into our live all that we are UN-thankful and thankful for...
Perhaps the next few days give yourself the gift of time to release and forgive all that you no longer need to have with in you and make room for possibilities...
Many Blessing and healthy well-Being to you and yours!
The Many Benefits of Loving YOU!!!!!
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Wilbe and Shadow |
Increased Confidence & Self Worth
Less Stress
Your World and Experiences Expand around You
Increased Vitality & Health
Your able to look at mistakes as Feedback and learn from the situation... ( Life is all about learning)
Laugh and Smile more
Have more Fulfilling Friendships and Love Life
Able to BE yourself
Experience More Success
Give and Receive More Love
You Feel better and are Happier
When you Love yourself your a wonderful example for the world...Keep up the great work...
If you struggle with Loving you STOP!!!
Stop the Negative self talk...Anytime time you think or feel a negative thought or Feeling, STOP... Create a positive sentence or word and repeat it 100 times...
Old thought" no one likes me "
New Thought " likeable" repeat 100 times ...Notice how you begin to slowly feel better...
Words, Thoughts and Feelings are very Power-Full!!! Make them Positive or Neutral... YOU Become what you think, feel and say...
Asia |
Yes the Earth is a Magical Place for all to Discover
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Rohan and Wilbe Running around having FUN | | | |
When was the last time you walked through the woods at dusk?
Fiona and Josie |
When did you take time to really LOOK at a sun set?
When was the last time you stood in Nature and just listened?
Shadow , Danny and Shaka in the far back |
When was the last time you were in Nature and just breathed?
Freedom and Ghost |
Last night I went on a trail ride at dusk with two amazing young ladies ...I felt totally blessed to ride Phlaggston, watch the sun set , and ride through the woods by moon light...The woods were so still and peaceful ... What an incredible experience... My heart and soul are still so happy! Yes I felt so alive and Free!
Nature is all around us , Please enjoy this beautiful gift that God ( Goddess, Universe , Spirit , your faith ) , has given to each of us to experience, appreciate, Love and take care of.
Blessing are all around you, How many are you consciously aware of? How many are you thankful for?
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I am thankful every day for Monty ... | |
What are You most thankful for at this very moment?
Perhaps your thankful for Being Born?
Or Being thankful for family and friends...
Or Being thankful for the beautiful Earth on which you live, and the air you breathe...
Or Being thankful for the wonderful horses and all animals ...
Or Being thankful for the water you drink each day...
Or Being thankful for all the food you eat...
For today and tomorrow truly look around you and Be aware of all your many Blessings...
Perhaps its a new friendship, health, love , compassion , smile, ice cream, holding hands, laughter, sharing a meal, children, Freedom etc... How does your heart feel at this moment?
May your day BE overflowing with gratitude for your life ...
What Does That Mean?
How do you do IT?
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Josie -How do you show compassion to yourself and others? | |
How many times have you had a goal you wanted to achieve , your excited to accomplish that goal , perhaps you even wrote down action steps ...Then you have the realization that 3 months , 9 months , 2 years have gone by and you've gained more weight, your in a job that doesn't honor you, your relationship is draining you and you think and feel is this all life has to offer?
You've been living your life on autopilot...STOP...IF you are ready to start living a life of purpose continue reading ... If Not...enjoy the photos and know that you will continue getting the same results.
When you live a purposeful life you make a commitment every day to live a life that is deliberate and intentional...
If your not sure what you want out of life its unclear like the photo above ...Get yourself a notebook and start writing down everything you may want to experience...Give yourself at least 15 minutes a day to do this...I recommend doing this the same time are beginning to learn the meaning of deliberate.
Your able to have a little more clarity regarding what you may want to be experiencing. Keep doing above exercise now add additional 5 minutes to your routine ...During this 5 minutes begin to see your self experiencing what is on the list.
It's starting to get exciting due to YOUR getting clarity on what YOU want to be living and experiencing. You are becoming aware of all the possibility that is waiting for you ...
Congratulations you are now crystal clear about what you want to be experiencing . Continue to spend 10-20 minutes daily on reviewing the experience you want to be living...
Now add what actions steps you can take toward your new life...
Warning ...To often you keep telling a story that isn't what you want...The word is very powerful...spend 99% percent of you time on what you want ... You receive what you talk ...MAKE it honoring of how magnificent YOU truly are!!!