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Josie & Fiona |
There are so many different ways we each experience how we give and receive love .
In my personal experience and with the clients I work with it's vital that we know how we experience love and how folks closest to us experience love.
I good detector that you need to understand yourself more is being disappointed at the holidays, in romantic relationships, frustrated with family and friends or you find relationships exhausting.
If you know what you need that you're able to express it. Very few people can read our minds :)
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Lance and Monty |
How do you need to experience love?
Kinesthetic - Means your a hands on learner , touch helps you learn . In a relationship hugs , kisses , holding hands are very important , presents , flowers, spending time. Being active with the people in your life, perhaps walks , hikes , horse back riding , skiing, painting etc. Feelings need to be expressed and acknowledged . Can become very emotional.
Auditory - Hearing ; words said are very important, talking , having meaningful communication. Expressing verbally how you feel and having people express how they feel . Auditory people need to hear lots of " I love you" " I adore you" " I so enjoy being with you because ____________________.
Visual- You experience life from how you see it . Men tend to get the wrap for being visual but so are women. Here's an example . A client of mine changed her hair color , her partner is visual and the hair color changed how he responded to her . Please no judging this . They talked about it, she went back to her original hair color. 2nd example , client was attracted to her husband because she liked all his muscles , when he stopped working out it affected how she was attracted to him.
We are usually a combination of 2 of the above to different degrees . We are attracted to our partners based on how we experiecne life. Please communicate with your partner so you each are aware of what the other one needs. There is no right or wrong, it's just how it is.
Linda ( Client ) gets up set on her Birthday and valentines day every year . She is a combination equally of all three. Linda felt if her partner truly loved her , he'd tell (auditory)her he loved her and why he did, wrap her present in beautiful paper with ribbon ( visual) , how it was wrapped was more important then what was in it ( it's the experience ). Shower her with a huge hug and passionate kiss ( Kinesthetic) and hold her hand on the way into restaurant. Linda desired lots of TLC and to feel (kinesthetic) special.
Greg ( Linda's partner) Is Auditory . Greg doesn't understand why Linda gets so emotional ( Kinesthetic) on her Birthday, Valentines Day, it's very frustarting to him and he dreads these two days because no matter what he does he's wrong. Whats the big Deal. He tells her he loves her how can she not hear ( auditory)that.
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Monty & Shadow |
Linda can hear what Greg is saying , but she needs the kinesthetic and visual needs met too. Once Linda was able to express to Greg what she needed , how to, and why ,Greg was able to do that for her . Both their needs are being met and they're able to have a more loving , caring , honoring relationship.
May you take time to really get to know and love you so your able to express what you desire and need to others.