Beliefs ... Money VS No money , Happiness VS no happiness
Beliefs ...honoring ...non-honoring ???
What is a belief ? Beliefs are words that you keep telling yourself over and over and over again until it becomes your truth your life.
The challenging part of a belief is if your NOT living the life you want, you have to take a long look at your belief system . Something is out of alinement .
At a very young age we all are taking in the people around us belief systems . Sometimes that's great, other times it is what's stopping you from living a fabulous life.
Example: a client of mine grew up in a family that believed having too much money was a sin. Guess what no matter what she did she was unable to increase her income.
Tanya grew up believing all the women in her family would get breast cancer .
Michael grew up believing that he would be heavy because all the people in his family are over weight.
A belief is extremely powerful and can actually change your DNA . Lots of medical proof out there to prove this . ( check out "Biology of belief" by Bruce Lipton micro biologist)
So how can you change a belief ? I think of it like training a horse or a dog. It doesn't happen over night. You have to know what result you'd like example : Health, confidence, love, more freedom in your life.
Goal to get Asia to relax . Notice position of her body, neck is tight, she's taking little steps . | |
Asia neck is still tight, she's a little more relaxed.
Look at Asia here. Isn't that pretty? It took Allie 30 minutes of warm up to get her relaxed and moving softly. | | |
The above photos of Asia is to give you a visual of what can happen in your life when you practise what you want and believe it can be true.
With practise and a knowing yes you can change a belief. Here's a few How to...
1) Pick one belief to work on at a time
2) Dedicate 15- 30 minutes daily to work on new belief.
3) Write about the new belief you'd like to be experiencing. example money. Write down how you feel about money , how much money you'd like to be allowing into your life . Can money easily flow into your life?
4) Each day for 30 days write down the first word that comes to your mind when you think of having a flow of money? example: Frustration, fear , freedom , anticipation, joy etc.
5) Write journal about that word for 15 - 30 minutes until you feel a sense of relief in you.
What the above exercise does is create possibility for your unconscious mind . A great book to read is by Greg Kuhn " beliefs".
Embrace being in the driver seat of your life. When you begin to see the change in your life you want to live, life is incredible!
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