
Lisa Kuchinski
Be It Coaching/ Free Spirit Ranch

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Intentional VS Survival

                         Intentional Living 

Niagara Gorge , NY


 What am I writing about now? Do you want that job promotion? Are you ready to learn about how to eat healthy so you can be the size you want to be. How about having a peaceful life or an incredible relationship with your kids. Need more money? What is it that you need to know ? The knowing of __________________________ will do what in your life?

If you go about your life with no purpose , goals , dreams , desires you are in survival mode my dear friend . You letting life give you what ever. You are on the back burner , stuck in traffic , and tired. 

Start living Intentionally.  Here are some ideas on how to; Get a notebook and pen.

1) Pick a dream or goal . Lets start small. example : New pair of  "Gold sandals" 

2) Find a picture , make a drawing , write words down on paper. I find the sandals I want  on the internet, take a picture of them , put picture on computer & phone screen . 

3) I ask this  questions a few times a day . What would it take to have My new gold sandals?

4) What do you need to do so you know you will have __________________. Gold sandals.

5) Every night before going to bed set your intention out loud and on paper. I am curious as to when my Gold sandals will arrive and having 5 new clients this month. 

Be aware of how your feeling ? Are you feeling light ( will bring sandals and clients to me) , are you feeling heavy ( will keep intention away)

6) Every morning before getting up I reset my intention I am curious as to when my Gold sandals will arrive and having 5 new clients this month. 

7) When setting intention connect with creator , image a light far above your head , let your self connect with that light , and allow your body to let that healthy warm light to bring health, love and joy to every cell in your body . Now imagine having your intention, Example : I imagine putting on my gold sandals and wearing my new white dress, the shoes feel so good on my feet , I see myself having the restaurant door opened while I walk in and I'm so Thankful and Grateful for me new Gold Sandals. 

 Believe it's more successful to start implementing this daily into your life with small things first . As you experience success start to play with bigger intentions. This is the game of life make in fun!

Have questions please ask. Text BEIT to 51660 to receive weekly text inspirations . 



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