Life is overflowing with opportunities and choices; The question I am asking you is" Are you open and ready to receive your hearts desire"?
I have worked with thousands of clients and what I have found to be the biggest factor in stopping people from having the life, health , job , relationship, home, love,self-worth is their ability to be open to receive.
Below is a little story I read once , author unknown.
A man's boat capsized in the ocean , he was floating for hours and sent a prayer to God for help, thirty minutes later a small fishing boat came upon the man in the water and asked if he needed help , the man replied" no thank you I'm waiting for God to say me" Two more hours passed and ship came upon the man and asked if he needed help , the man replied once again " I am waiting for God to save me , no thank you " .

The man arrives in heaven shocked that God didn't save him. He asked God "Why didn't you save me "? God replied " I sent two boats to your rescue and you refused both " .
Morale of the story when you ask for something be sure your beliefs and Values are inline with what you want to receive, be open to receive , know that what you are asking for may not arrive how you think it might. Do you believe your worthy of receiving what your asking for ?
Please answer that question out loud to yourself. Yes, do you believe your worthy of receiving ____________________? ( Fill in the blank).

Be sure to be thankful and grateful for what you do receive, especially the very special people in your life . You will receive more of what you appreciate and are grateful for ... Have any question please ask me , wondering how to be open to receive more, attend one of our workshops , click link for event calendar