
Lisa Kuchinski
Be It Coaching/ Free Spirit Ranch

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Are you stopping YOU?

Yes YOU read that correctly ...Are you stopping you from having , living , and experiencing a life that is joyful , meaningful , overflowing with health and opportunity? 

Paco teaches us to explore life , move forward
What do I mean by are you stopping you ? I'll explain , every time you complain about your boss, owning your own business, your partner , lack of partner , reflect on all the people who have caused you pain, done you wrong , how sick you are , the list goes on and on......
When you express any of the above you are sending out a wave from your physical body to keep bringing you the same experience. Unsure if you believe this , question for you " How come your life situations keep repeating themselves with different people , settings and you keep experiencing the same outcome"? 

You are the constant in all your life experiences . Want your life to change , YOU have to be that change . You have to believe you are worthy of a wonder-filled live. 

Rosie is to the left , Gus to the right
How do you become the change ? Lets let Rosie and Gus help out. 

1) BE aware . Look at Rosie and Gus they are aware of what is going on around them. 

2) Know what you want and believe you can have it, know it . Rosie loves attention, she is a big ball of love , she gives love to everyone she meets and you have to love her right back. Rosie is able to give and receive . Gus is terrified of any kind of closeness,there for he keeps everyone away from him. You can see in his eyes how he desires affection BUT he keeps it away from himself. What do you keep away from you? 

3)Keep moving forward.

 Rosie is trying to get into machine with me , I'm giving her lots of love and receiving lots of loving from her. Rosie is getting what she wants and I am too. 

 Look at Gus's eyes . He is looking at what he wants , keeping his full attention and focus on his outcome. It has taken three months for Gus to allow me to touch him. He is working on trust . Gus will keep Love  away from him until he can learn to trust . Plus he isn't able to give due to how fearful he is about trusting. Gus is taking baby steps to learn to trust, imagine all the possibilities that await him once he does. Can you think of situation in your life and the outcome when your focus was on how you can or can't trust ? 

 People are just like Rosie and Gus .  Perhaps you admire that person who is so in love with their partner, their partner so in love with them, they're taking wonderful trips , have fabulous careers, life just seems perfect. This person loves them-self, is grateful for their life , takes action steps to have this life and believe they are worthy of the life they experience, 95% of the time has a strong faith.  Daily waves leave their body to bring all these wonderful experiences to them.

  The Gus folks ,allow fear, doubt , lack or the past to keep them frozen in time playing the blame game . It's everyone's fault that their life is what it is or because the ex treated them so badly , boss doesn't like them. You can only receive what waves you send out from you. 

Every word , every thought, every feeling has a wave that leaves your body to go find the experience your talking or feeling and bring it back to you . Does that feel good , yes it feels great , feeling great experiences keep coming to you. NO it feels horrible... You feel horrible wave leaves your body in search of more horrible . When people say how could live get any worse , worse is the wave that leaves their body and they are so confused about how does this keep happening ? They keep asking for worse.

What do you want to believe?
I know this information to be the laws of the universe because I have lived Gus in my past , Hundreds of my clients used to be Gus. Rosie is now my every day,which  if you know me , you now understand how I am so Joyful every day and how my life keeps getting better and better.  I  do have Gus moments occasionally , It happens when I reflect on something from the past that hurt my heart , I remind myself  of what I have learned or needed to let go of , turn on happy music , dance , thank the creator for all the wonderful blessings in my life , and I ask myself out load " What is the action step I am working on this week, what will my life look and feel like once I have it" Perhaps ask your self the same question daily. 

Be gentle with you , Be kind to yourself and others...Be mindful of the waves that are leaving your body every second. 

If this was helpful to you please share. 


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tired , Exhausted ???

Are you Tired/ Exhausted ?

Would you like to have more energy JOY in your life Today? Tomorrow?All Year? 
Phlaggston & Ghost ; They have been together for 13 years

What I have experienced with my 13 plus years of coaching people is that the more action you take on creating the life you want to live the more energy you will have. Think about how action driven successful people keep moving all the time and are constantly accomphlishing their goals.  Their lives  are very full yet they are  completing tasks daily that bring them the desired outcome they want. 

Two keys words are  Goals and Outcome .

When your tired / Exhausted consider asking yourself these questions? 

1) Are you sleeping 8 hours a day ? How or how NOT? 
2) Are you eating enough grass fed protein and green organic veggies daily ? Are you drinking  8/ 8 oz glasses of pure water daily? 
3) Are you taking a healthy supplement for vitamins and minerals? D? B's?
contact me for suggestions on healthy supplements 
4) Are you getting 20 minutes of exercise outside daily? 
5) Spirituality daily ? Prayer ? Giving thanks to the creator and having gratitude for being alive? 

What is listed above is the foundation for a healthy life style . What steps can you take this second to begin implementing healthy changes into your life? Make one change a week. Please make it fun , plan a celebration for all your little successes . 
Lance & Willie 

Once you have started implementing  above ask yourself these questions;
1) Are you living a life that makes you happy ? Yes or No 

If you answered Yes , congratulations!!! Inspire those around you , please comment with ideas to help others .

If you answered no , make a list this second of everything that brings you JOY. Make another list of everything your grateful for in your life . Remember every thought , feeling has a vibration  just like a radio wave . When your sad , frustrated you're sending out a frequency to bring more of that into your life guess what, your energy becomes very low in this place which leads to exhaustion, depression. This is a horrible place to be . The shorter days and lack of sun light can lower  your frequency too. 

When you change your focus from what is dragging you down and how horrible life is to ;

2) I am thankful for _______________________________________ . 

3) Just for today I will be curious to all the possibility and helpful people , opportunities that are waiting for me this month.

4) I will take daily actions steps that will take me forward. 

example: If your working two or three jobs to survive , ask your self what would it take to thrive? What education or skill do I need to land my dream job? Start my own business? 

If your in a unhealthy relationship what books could you read to empower you? 
Do you need to read books on understanding men or women, we are very different and in all ways. 

Perhaps starting a new hobby or rekindle a hobby that brought you happiness. 

5) Everyday I will take action on one thing I'm putting off.
example : Organizing home , removing clutter, paying bills , creating a budget , learning how to budget , learing how to invest , reserach going back to school, register for a class, etc. 

I put a lot of thought into the pictures I post when I write because there is a vibration with the photo that supports the words that I write. What am I talking about ??? 

Lance above assists the clients that I work with in going forward in their life. When you want change you have to leave the past behind and put your focus on were you are headed. When your riding your bike or driving your car how much time do you spend looking behind you? Is your focus and attention on what is back behind you or ON WHERE YOU ARE GOING? Correct your thoughts are on where you are going . Where are you going in your life? take time and know this answer. 

Willie the little mini assists you in what allowing feels like in your body. Majority of the folks I work with have beliefs and values that won't allow them to go forward . How do you know if you are allowing possibility into your life ? If you are tired / exhausted the answer is no...if you are energized the answer is yes. You have all the answers you need to thrive with in you . What belief do you need to change ? A belief is only something you keep telling yourself is true. What new story do you need to tell yourself? keep all your focus and attention on your new honoring story and write a daily , weekly , monthly action plan to keep you on task. 

 Please be curious about all of this , make it fun . Think of Lance and Willie and how they are playing in these photos with each other . Life is but a game and we each choice how we will play it. The question is " How will you decide to play or not" 

Please let me know if you have any questions... I do practice what I write :)... It really works...

Monty & I 


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