Discovering your Bliss©
How do you Discover your Bliss? What does that mean?
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Free Spirit Ranch : Horses enjoying mid day snack after a cool rain. |
When you are grounded it gives you
the opportunity to get out of your head and into your body. When you are fully
present in your body your able to fully feel your happiness ,your sadness. Your able to take care of your basic
needs; shelter, food, clothing and money. You are being your own care giver or
mother. These basic needs have to be in place before “Bliss”.
What does Bliss mean to you? Please consider this question for 5 minutes( write down what it means to you) , to each of us "BLISS" is something completely different ...What makes you happy , what makes you want to jump for joy, look up to the brilliant blue sky and just swirl ? Sing at the top of your lungs?
When you’re
not grounded you become disconnected from the body. Your life and the roll of
the victim emerge’s and the basic needs to live may become compromised. This is a roll each one of us has played
with. Why me? Poor me! Life stinks! at one time or another.
Please take in three slow breathes
while placing your hands on your hip bones feet on the floor, Now take five more
slow deep breaths while placing both hands on your heart.
Sun set at Free Spirit Ranch |
Can you
remember being a child? Do you remember how it felt to be a child? What aspect
of childhood do you most desire to reclaim? Please write that down
What is your truth? What does this
mean? Truth is what you believe to BE true for you.
Do you believe you can be happy?
Do you have dreams and goals?
Do you believe you can achieve your dreams and goals?
Do you give your self time in nature to just BE?
Do you feel grounded to the earth?
Please place both your hands on your
heart and take in three slow deep breathes. Now take another 5 deep slow breaths… Feel yourself Be-ing in your body. Feel your feet feeling connected to the earth. ( try the breathing outside barefoot)
Please choose three words that define Bliss to you, yes write them down
Perhaps for the next 90 days please comment
to reading out loud your three words morning, afternoon and evening… paying attention to how and what you
feel when saying words. Warning if
you believe the experience will not
come to you, you are correct in your
thinking. If YOU Believe the
experience will come to you, YOU are 100% correct.
You bring
into your life what you believe (be Living) for you.
Here are some questions I'd like you to consider.
*How much
time to do give to you each day to still your mind?
*How much
time do you spend on caring for you each week?
*Where will
your next vacation Be?
*What are the
top 5 items on your bucket list ?
*Where would you life? *What do you
like most about you?
Tell yourself out loud what you like /love about you
Now tell
you again with more love and caring in you to you.
Please tell you again but with an even bigger smile on your face.
Please give
yourself a huge 10 second hug… What were you thinking?
*Did you
*How much do
you love you?
*Is your cup
1) Half
2) Half full
3) Over
and improvement is a daily commitment
your Bliss is a daily commitment to loving you completely and knowing happiness
needs be experienced all day long…
Have the
awareness that when you’re not happy your inner self (soul) is communicating
with you. Acknowledge that something non-honoring is happening. What needs to
If your body
has pain, take the time to uncover what your body and soul need.
When your
own being your loving care giver/
mother you’re on the path to Bliss
Ideas to
stay grounded
Spend time in Nature, perhaps walk
bare foot on the grass
1) Hug a tree
2) Work out
3) Dance
4) Practice focused breathing, while
stilling the mind
5) Stay flexible and flowing in mind , body and spirit
6) Connect daily to your faith
7) Be responsible for you
Believe (BE living) in you
BE open to understand what
obstacles are trying to teach you.
When you
understand the How
you feel and where you are, how
you got there a door opens and you’re able to go forward…
I encourage
you to embark on a journey to find your own truth. What is it that you need to
learn, create or discover?
Please take this material and make it yours. Perhaps you will delete some
info or add some info …
Take time to have a meaningful
relationship with your Faith and YOU
May you embrace with” Joy” the path to discovering and living your”
BE the change , YOU want to live(TM)
For daily
inspiration please visit or like my facebook page