Who are YOU???
Who are YOU???
We're thinking.....hum...hum... |
Who would YOU BE if you weren't YOU?
Interesting thought.... |
Where would you be if YOU weren't here now?
Your definitely starting to irritate me now... |
These are questions I ask myself and clients to consider occasionally...The reason being; Our society, schools, teachers, parents , friends , religion, corporate america, magazines, fashion, sports... etc... indirectly tell humans not to experience ones life, do as you are told , and believe what we have to teach and tell you... We know best...We'll teach you what to know ... What to believe ... He who has the most toys win?What about expanding your brain/mind/Spirituality? Loving you more each day...
The Horses and I teach YOU, to only believe what you know to be true for you and what you have experienced for you, to BE your truth. I encourage you from this day forward to question everything ??? Even what I'm writing. I am expressing what is true for me...What is true for you? Do you know how to think? Create? Get out side the box? expand your brain cells? Life live to the fullest? Live in the present ?Love being alive ? Give thanks to the creator daily? Know you determine your destiny...Life?... health?...Immortality? Am I making you uncomfortable?
85% of my clients ranging in age from 3- 75 years young have come to the ranch not knowing that they were completely disconnected from their inner self / SOUL...All they knew ,is that they were unhappy , something was missing, they had no energy or someone felt something was wrong with them...
You're getting my attention |
Yes you have a soul, I believe it's housed next to your heart , what do you think??? When one becomes unhappy , loses the joy for life , feels lonely,it's because your not listening to YOU ... Yes you are your best teacher, listener, friend , and yes you have to love you unconditionally ... Are you searching for something? Do you believe there should be more to life than what you are experiencing? When was the last time you sat in nature , stilled your mind and had a conversation with your faith? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the wind? to Be FREE? To run and play? What is play to you? How have you been experiencing life?
My challenge to you is daily take 10 minutes to place both hands on your heart , tell you "I love me"slow your breath, connect with nature , still your mind and ask your faith ( Spirit , Goddess, God, Universe, etc) a question, what do you want/need to know ? Begin to have a relationship with YOU and your faith?
Warning !!! amazing things will begin to start happening. Please share your experiences with us...
Be Thankful and grateful daily :)
Who are you?
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