Allowing- Willie is the Expert
Allowing- Willie is the Expert
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BE it Coaching/Free Spirit Ranch |
Willie is the brown and white pony, actually miniature horse but I like to call him pony...
My Ranch my rules . Rule number 1) Love you and your life 2) Mother Nature is the boss around here 3) BE connected 4) Horses mirror your internal belief system 5) You have all the answer with in you 6) You decide your experience 7) ALLOW
What do I mean by Allow? First do you know the definition of Allow:Lets start with what it is NOT.
Allow: to give permission, to let have,To permit the presence of, to let happen.
When you allow experiences into your life , your letting it happen or giving your self permission to experience IT . Allowing the experience to peacefully happen, it's easy...When I think of the word allow, I feel a calmness with in me. What do you feel? When I think of the words need / want I can feel tension begin to build with in me. Tension causes a block , allowing lets in...
What does Willie have to do with this?
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Willie | |
Willie can tell you if you are allowing or wanting , letting in or pushing away.
Yesterday morning when I was doing chores I was feeling frustrated regarding how much money it costs to operate the ranch and wanting/ needing to make more money , Willie would have nothing to do with me. When ever I tried to approach him he would run away, just like the money in my bank account...I find lots of humor in myself , I started to laugh, thanked Willie for what he was teaching me. I gave myself five minutes to just breathe , calm myself and just let go.
When I was calm Willie approached me and allowed me to pet him, I started to brain storm with Willie on ideas to bring more prosperity to the Ranch. When Willie started to back up I checked in with what I was feeling , yes it was residence, checked that idea off the list. When I was excited and in alinement with my belief system, Willie showed me affection. I have three ideas that I will be implementing over the next few months... Willie showed me how my emotions and feelings were effecting my life. How are your emotions, beliefs, values and feelings effecting your life?
We all have been so conditioned by family , friends , schools, politics , religion, etc, that you forget sometimes that this is your life, Yes, you get to experience and live your life according to YES "YOU"... You experience what ever you ALLOW in ...negative / positive , sickness / health, lack/prosperity, sadness/joyful , stuck/thriving... it comes down to mastering your thoughts , feelings and allowing what you want to BE experiencing into your life ... Please Be gentle with yourself on this beautiful incredible journey and learn to allow and love you more fully each day...
Monty & Me |
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Learn how to Allow your dreams and goals to come to you.