Releasing , Letting go of the Past
Releasing , Letting Go of the Past
Question for you , how many trees out there do you see holding onto there leafs? What happens in the fall ? The tress shead their leafs in order to regenerate and allow new growth to be a possibility . Imagine if a tree refused to allow the leafs to fall . The leafs dry up but eventually a huge storm will come in at that remaining leaf is going to fall off. Do you think a tree concerns its self with a leaf it wanted to keep three years ago? A decade ago?
What would happen to that tree if all it thought of was that beautiful leaf that fell off? It's not fair? Life is horrible I wanted to keep that leaf . I'm going to hold on to the the bitter end because I want that leaf. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it ?
That leaf represents beliefs , thoughts , your past. When you hold on to the past your signing up willingly on some level to be in a consent storm. Think of the snow storm and how the snow can pile up , especially if your not shoveling . The snow gets pretty heavy and extremely dirty over time. As the snow piles up so do your emotions , frustration , resentments , anger begins to set it. When you have anger and resentment in your life there isn't much room for joy or possibility is there?
What in your past is holding you back? What belief is keeping you from living an incredible life ? Perhaps you know or don't know. Do you need to know ? I don't believe so, you just need a willingness to let go and make room for the present allow for forgiveness and new beliefs . The tree is always living in the present , the now . A living tree flows with the storms, gives rebirth to its self and grows each spring.
Lance is the horse looking at you . Lance teaches us about going forward . In order to go forward we need to leave the PAST behind. What can you do to release the past and start moving forward and take action in your life . Yes reclaim your life.
1) You have to be ready to start telling yourself a new story.
2) Stop blaming people , situations , etc for where your life is and start taking responsibility .
3)Make a list of what needs to be released example :
a) no money
b) sick
c)people are mean to me
d) failure
e)life stinks
4) Write the opposite of the above words example :
a) no money......................................I allow money into my life , it feels great .
b) sick................................................Health, Healthy
c) People are mean to me................ I attract kind people to me
d) failure...........................................Success
e)life stinks ......................................I love life , life loves me
For the next seven days give this try , I know it works because I personally do this and so do my clients. Carry your list of new beliefs with you at all times. Example below . Write them down and say out loud or sing, ten times, three times a day for seven days.
I allow money into my life , it feels great .
Health, Health
I attract kind people to me
I love life , life loves me
When ever the old way , negative words, self doubt starts coming in , tell yourself to stop , literally brush yourself off, imagine the negative words , thoughts being leafs on your body you no longer need , brush them off. Keep 100% Focus on your new list of words...only allow your new words to be PRESENT in your life .
What is another meaning for Present ...Gift...Yes give yourself the gift of releasing what no longer serves you , make room for what does, keep all your thoughts on the new words. congratulations you are taking your first step towards Freedom.
This is Freedom |
Make a copy of the horse above . His name is Freedom . He helps us with understanding what it means to have Freedom in our lives.
I will be blogging lots on releasing the past for the next month . Please use what works for you , release what doesn't . I am sharing what I know has worked for me , my family and clients.
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