Getting out of the Fog
I so enjoy this photo. It's still and offers me complete peace. It reminds me of when one surrenders , lets go and decides to step into a more peaceful way of living and be-ING.
It's still fall even though I have 5" of snow outside my window. I'm presently looking at all this fluffy white stuff while I write today's blog.
Fall is one of the most powerful seasons . Fall has so much to teach all of us IF we are willing to hear an see the gifts from nature.
When the leaves begin to change from a glorious green ( love) to a multitude of brilliant colors of red (grounding) orange ( flow) yellow( inner power) , the sun light begins to shorten and many people will slowly begin to require more sleep, become irritated , angry , sad or depressed . Majority of time we blame these symptoms on lack of sunshine . From my experience as a life coach and energy worker from the past decade I believe it's more than that.I believe the trees are reminding us to gently release blocks , anger , stagnation etc... If we release our emotions gently we are like the beautiful leaves just changing color . Isn't it beautiful to watch the leaves when the gently begin to fall from the trees. Question are the trees dieing ? No they are preparing for rejuvenation this winter and growth in the spring. So are we.
What happens with the leaves that wait till the bitter end to fall? They sure get beat up in all the storms , they get dried out, tired , and eventually fall apart . What happens when we hold on to anger, sadness, being right, sickness , envy, jealousy , etc makes you tired , life becomes difficult , you age quickly your heart becomes hard , the more you talk about how horrible life is ...what happens??? it gets worse doesn't it . You become caught up in the storm of life just hanging on like those last few leafs, thoughts , situations etc.
This has been my easiest fall in a long time because I studied the tress this year and I truly listened and watched . My favorite tree is the Willow . The Willow is so graceful , goes with the flow , they can be messy but they're releasing what they no longer need. What is your favorite tree ? Not sure , give your self the next six months to get to know all the kinds of trees around you. I have been writing in a journal since I was a teenager , plus I had all those journals. I stayed up all night reading through them all and I discovered I kept writing about the same thing when it came to allowing large sums of money into my life . I started to laugh because I had a belief around money , it wasn't my belief but one I grew up with and I allowed it into my life and over time I made it my belief. Can I blame my parents ? No I can not! I decided to keep that belief , that was my free will as an adult .
What do you think I did ? It's 5:30 in the morning , I've been up all night , plus it's freezing out. I took all my journals and burned them . That sure was freeing and I feel so much lighter in my Be-ing. I did a few techniques for my self that I will share in the next few blogs. Life is now how I love it to be once again. :)
You don't have to burn your journals . But I recommend
1) spending 20 minutes outside each day .
2) be aware of what your feeling and seeing- journal about it
3) drink 8 glasses of clean water daily
4) hug yourself and ask for hugs
5)Start a list of your beliefs and decide what beliefs you need to let go of. Perhaps it's time to add a few beliefs that are honoring to you and the world.
Enjoy your new adventure...Remove the guilt and allow yourself to appreciate the experience, lessons and learning.
Health *Joy*prosperity...Peace...Lisa
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