Stress* Holiday* Peace
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Willie the pony teaches us about allowing , never giving up , finding new solutions . |
I so enjoy this time of year and look so forward to the winter solstice. Why , I enjoy seeing all the beautiful lights on homes ,businesses . People are creating their own light and sharing it with others.
Winter solstice, is a celebration and a gift that the days are getting longer and more day light upon us. That fills my soul with joy.
I do believe stress is a choice and a very good motivator if you are a take action person . If you blame the world , parents , society for your lack your giving your power and light with in you away. Life can be very unfair , sad , lonely especially around the holidays. All the commercials with all the external things you may want to give your loved ones. The key word in the last sentence is external. One can have all the things in the world and still be lonely , unhappy and sad.
Where is all this going you may be thinking . This holiday perhaps draw your intention inward , become aware of how you are feeling? Stop judging yourself, charging gifts on charge cards. Ask yourself these question,( Please write your answers down)
1) " What do I want to experience this holiday season"?
2) " How do I want to feel this holiday season"?
3) "What is making me sad"?"
4) " What do I enjoy about this time of year"?
5) " Who can I help " ?
6) "What new tradition do I want to start that will honor me , my family and brings peace to my soul"?
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Freedom & Monty |
Listen to you , you know what is best for you. If your sad , stressed out, thank your self for acknowledging how you feel, your soul is communicating to YOU, it's asking for change . What action do you need to take NOW? What belief needs to change ? What new words do you need to start telling yourself?
When your in tuned with your soul , your purpose, you experience a peace that keeps you grounded and fills you with love. Words can't express the feeling.
Breathe deeply and slowly, BE gentle with yourself, Stop being so serious , Life is a game PLAY !!! learn to Play while mastering your thoughts and feelings .
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Freedom( on left) teaches us about what freedom feels like , while Monty teaches us about releasing , forgiveness | . |
( we experience Freedom when we let go , release , forgive)
LOVE you!!!
Remember in order to love others you need to have mastered unconditionally Loving you first.
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