Willie Pony teaches us about allowing, while Fiona right of Willie teaches us the importance of loving self and all.
How to Create a Honoring Belief System
Do you know the meaning of Belief? According to Webster Dictionary its:
: a feeling of being sure that some(one or something exists or that something is true
: a feeling that something is good, right, or valuable
How do we form our belief systems? From our parents, family, friends, religion, teachers, experiences, social media, TV , magazines , society, etc... The horses ( Equine Human Connection) and I create experiences to empower folks to know if their core beliefs are theirs or some one else s.
: a feeling that something is good, right, or valuable
: a feeling of trust in the worth or ability of someone
1) Relationships/ Marriage
2) Spiritual Beliefs
3) Money / Wealth
5) Health
6) Joy
7) Sex
Now write it down and read each question out loud . How does the sentence feel? If the sentence feels good , makes you smile it's honoring to you.
Shadow (Horse) reminds us: to stop judging and look at life as an experience you like or don't . How will you take action in order to make life more honoring for you and the world?
Yes this may seem like a lot of work , it is . Remind yourself that your belief system creates the life you are now living and experiencing. Like what your living keep reenforcing your beliefs .
If your life is non-honoring , examples; poor health, unhappy , dislike job, lonely, lack of money, low self esteem, etc...that is your guidance system speaking loudly to you that some belief changes need to be made.
Make yourself a priority in your life today! Health*JOY*Freedom...Peace...Lisa
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