
Lisa Kuchinski
Be It Coaching/ Free Spirit Ranch

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Goals , Resolutions how to , What's stopping You?

Fiona teaches us about the importance of  LOVE, starting with self 

How many of your goals or resolutions from 2015 did you accomplish? 

Here's a new approach to resolutions.

I'm always looking for an understanding on what makes some people happy , healthy, successful, dreamers, wishers or victims. The new year brings a clean slate and offers many hope of a new way.  Sometimes the new year brings frustration for all the could have's  or should have's that were never started or lasted only a few days or weeks. 

What would happen if you changed a belief for 2016? What if you figured out the reason , root of what is stopping you from achieving. I believe you'd discover all your goals and dreams being accomplished.  
Lance teaches us about moving forward in life

I encourage you in the next 10 days to: 

1) Make a list of all your resolutions you've made in the past 5 years 
2) Put a star by the ones you accomplished.
3) If you have no Stars proceed to #5
3)Make a list of all the similarities of the items stared . Similarities could include feelings , thoughts , the words you said to yourself. Is there was a main metaphor for the star items such as money, health, exercise. 
4) How can you morph those experiences to recreate your new goal? 
5) As you view your  new years resolutions which one makes you the happiest to achieve 2016.

Now the fun begins, lets figure out what emotion or belief is stopping you from having ____________.  Let this be the year that you embrace the best you and release what is holding you back.

When we are young many beliefs are planted with in us that hold no truth. If your reading this you have the ability to release old beliefs and create ones that support you. 

Perhaps you heard: 

Your bad
You'll never have money
Everyone in our family has heart disease 
Your worthless
Stop being a baby  
You'll always be fat
Shadow teaches us about removing judgement

You  could/can choose to believe and start telling yourself

I'm good
Money comes easily too me
I am healthy
I am, that I am, worthy 
My feelings matter
I love me and nourish my body with healthy food and water

6)Write the word down that you want to achieve in 2016.  Example" healthy relationship"

Remove all judgement . Life is experiences that you learn from or not.

7)What time of day daily will you spend  5-15 minutes on your goal? Write it down , it will become a daily habit like brushing your teeth , showering , eating , and breathing . 

8) Journal How your life will change when you have Example "healthy Relationship"

9)Journal about what will happen in your life if you don't . Example "healthy relationship"

10) Every day at your daily time for the next 7 days write down all the words and feelings that come to you when you think of having_________________. Example "Healthy Relationship". 

For the next 51 weeks I will be writing weekly with tips so you can accomplish your goal and I can accomplish my goal of blogging weekly . I know we can do it! 

Do you have your 5-
15 minute daily time written down. Please send me a message with comments, questions . Here's to 2016. 


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