Horses enjoying the afternoon sun
Can you remember a time when you had the AH HA moment , you just got it, you saw the light and everything fell into place beautifully. When you fully understand what is important to you on a personal level and you create a foundation based on what you value, many opportunities will begin to present them selves. When your values are put on the back burner internally it begins to feel like a game of tug-a-war. Perhaps you value staying home with your kids but your back in the work force 40 plus hours a week . When your at work you feel bad about leaving the kids, when your home you feel bad about not being able to focus at work.Conflict of what you value.
How do you figure out what you place value on in your life. First what is the meaning of a value? A value is something you put meaning to , worth , benefit on. Your value is a standard you hold your self to , principles, behaviors, ethics and morals. You make every decision based on what you value consciously and unconsciously . When you have a conflict with what you value it normally effects your decision making ability on a unconscious level, which means consciously your probably NOT aware of "how" "why " you are making the decisions your making, due to decision being made on auto pilot. By age 10 what you value is already established . Desiring change in your life ? Lets look at what you value before we jump into belief work so you can achieve success in all areas of your life .

All motivation and drive is based on what you value . A client, we'll call Sally ( not her real name) , goal for 2015 was to increase her income by 20%. Sally's income increased by 3% she was upset that she didn't attain this goal. When looking back at past income goals we noticed a pattern of financial goals not being met. What Sally discovered when working with the horses is her value wasn't on the money but on the service she offered her customers, having her weekends off , and being able to take off when ever she wanted . Sally's belief was that in order to increase sales she will have to work 7 days a week . Since Sally's beliefs is she'd have to work seven days a week , her unconscious mind will make sure Sally has that experience if her income increased . Sally's value of having time to her self is in direct conflict with what she believed to be true. Sally worked on a plan to offer better customer service and to attract potential costumers which is what she values. Sally felt good inside with this approach and she believes if her customers are happier they will tell their friends resulting in increased sales and Sally can work the same amount of hours.

If you find your NOT achieving your goals it's time to look at your core Values .
Some questions to ask yourself are 1) Are you judging yourself? 2) make a list of what you are judging
3) Take each item you wrote down and write about how it makes you feel at a heart level. 4) Remove the judgement and ask yourself were you can find purpose in what you wrote. 5) Take a deep breath in and slowly exhale and ask your self "Is this important to me ? What's important to you about________________?
Give yourself a day , weekend and get completely in touch with every aspect of your life, Health, Fitness, Family , Relationships,Career, Spirituality , giving back, and emotions. Create a list of what you value. Values are the foundation of our beliefs. Beliefs are connected to your values. Values are unconscious, autopilot while beliefs are more conscious .
Make 2016 about getting to know you, own your values and beliefs look forward to living a life that brings you your hearts desire.
Next Wednesday we'll revisit Values again, have fun discovering you!