
Lisa Kuchinski
Be It Coaching/ Free Spirit Ranch

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Change... Is something missing?

Shadow - Teaches you about removing judgement.

How do you know when something is missing from your Life? 

I had the honor today of working with one of the top CEO's from the twin cities area. To protect his privacy and the company he works for I will be calling him Joe ( not his real name ) and only photos of the horses will be shown,

Today was a remarkable session I wanted to share Joe's discoveries and learning.
Think of what happens to a coil or metal spring when it isn't cared for ,oiled ? It closes up, becomes ridged, bridle  and overtime will blow up harming what ever is in the way . Humans are the same when you stuff your emotion, put your needs on the back burner you begin to lose compassion for self or others , you begin to  stop seeing and  feeling the joy in the world. You lose the sparkle in your eyes and life becomes such hard work.

In my heart and soul,  I completely believe life is to be joyful , we are here on planet earth to expand our consciousness. We are each unique individual born to explore , love deeply , care deeply , care for each-other , animals and our planet. But somewhere along the path you forget your greatness and all that you're capable of and perhaps dread , fear , laziness, loss of faith and loss of  love begin to take over your thoughts closing off your heart and soul and you begin to run on auto pilot and allow life to just happen. What would happen if you took your inner power back ?

Shadow taught Joe today about how judgement and being critical closed off his heart .

What do you feel and see in this photo? 

Josie and Willie taught Joe how it felt when he became more playful and allowed himself to feel compassion for him self . Joe felt a huge wave of peace and relief  with in his body.  The more compassion he felt the lighter inside he become the more Josie interact quietly with him.  

Lance rolling teaches you about letting go and releasing. Asia to the right teaches you about inner power and connecting with higher self.  

Joe's learning's from this evening . 1) Removing  criticism created peace with in him
2)  When Joe  had no thoughts there was no energy , the horses removed themselves from his space.
3) As Joe voiced his need for inner peace and he truly felt it  with in his body Josie gently approached him
4) You have to know what you want.
5) Inner peace Joe felt when he was compassionate towards himself created a space for compassion towards others.
6) Lightness he experienced when he allowed values that no longer served him to leave,
7) He realized the lack of joy and play in his life.
8) Joe now knows were in his body he feels joy and where he feels being stuck.
9) Joe expressed he know has a lightness with him that he has never experienced and it feels great.

Change work requires being compassionate toward yourself, huge amounts of forgiveness, conscious effort to be present , and a commitment to learning a new way of living and Being . Question to ask yourself " What is stopping Me? If your wondering " is there more to life than this" Know the answer is yes. 

Health*JOY *Abundance...Peace...Lisa
How will you find compassion for you today. 

Checkout on line calendar for classes and workshop opportunities with and with out horses . If you enjoyed article today please share it . Many blessings to you. 


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