Please write your answers down...
1) Which sky has more blue in it?
2) Which picture has the most horses?
3) How many gray horses do you see?
4) What does your heart tell you when you look at the pictures?
5) What does your mind tell you when you look at the pictures?
1) Does your job bring happiness to you?
2) How does it feel to Love You?
3) Do you believe you can achieve ?
4) Do you have time for your life?
5) How would you like to celebrate your Birthday?
On a scale of 1- 10...One being I need to learn to honor me --------- 10 being I completely honor me...
What number would you pick for how you feel at this exact moment?
I am asking questions to the autopilot part of You... The part of You that just does it...examples...
breathing, brushing teeth, going to the store, believing values and beliefs that aren't yours...
Awareness...Mindfulness...BE-ing present...Conscious living... It's all about YOU ...and learning to STOP living on auto pilot and taking responsibility , learning how to live the life you want to be living NOW... BE-ing in control of your thoughts and feelings!
Example ... I have a client we will her Shelly , ...She works 40- 50 hours a week as a nurse, baby sits her grand kids, cares for her ill husband, helps folks who need help, plus volunteers at the library... Shelly has the belief that she is the care taker of everyone ... Shelly goes constantly on auto pilot and doesn't stop until it's time for bed...
This has been Shelly's life for the past 35 years...Shelly has a deep sadness in her heart and is so lonely, she also has a huge anger because NO one takes care of her...The horses are helping Shelly to figure out how to take care of be in control of her thoughts and her life...To take care of Shelly.
To often folks are saying my life has gone by so fast, I am too old to travel, I wanted to be _______, I thought I would have ___________________, I am lonely etc...
Having awareness of the life you are living, what you are thinking and doing...Does it honor you? Is that little voice inside using kind words or telling you untruths...Awareness is getting off auto pilot and learning to experience your life in a new way...A way that brings Love and fulfillment to your heart & soul... ( Oh what joy you bring to the world)
Exercise : For today every time you have a feeling or thought that puts you down or doesn't honor you or is time related...example... I would like to experience that but I don't have time...maybe next month...
1) Write it Down
2) In another pen color write down what you want to be saying and believing.
3) Go through your list and number your top three...
4) For the next two weeks have your full attention on your top three...When the old way or words come up , say 10 times your new words.
5) Review your list and work on the next three...
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