How does FEAR stop you from living your life to the
Allie and Apollo |
Fullest? Fullest? Fullest? Possible , Possibility...
Allie and Apollo |
What is your Dream?
What do YOU want to accomplish?
Do you believe you can have it?
Are you willing to BELIEVE in YOU ?
Do you Believe you are worthy of it?
Do you Take action every day toward your dream?
Perhaps you want to 1) feel better about yourself
2) Have more time for you
3) Fall in love
4) Get a scholarship
5) Get Healthy
You have to know what you want to be experiencing...Is it Fear? What if you replaced the Fear with ___________________.
Ask yourself what about being healthy scares me...Write it down...go through that list and ask yourself what scares me about ________________________.....Now ask yourself what would happen if I had this in my life...What would I be thinking , believing and feeling about myself when I have it ...What actions steps can I start taking now ? What books could I read? What Workshop could I go to? Who could I ask to be my mentor? What skills do I need?
Just take that first step, then the next... It is so sweet when fear is replaced with" I did it"!!!...Oh does it feel good!
Allie and Apollo |
Yesterday I took Josie a young filly that lives here on the ranch for an outing to a state park to ride with a friend...Josie hasn't been ridden since last fall... I was a little nervous ... I haven't been on her in over a year and she is young... We unloaded the horses Josie was scared due to all the horses , trailers and commotion going on...I thought what was I thinking bringing her here...I stayed calm ( Breathing exercises) , Took both of us to saddle her...I walked Josie onto the trail ... she was going nuts ...yes I was afraid ... I had 3 scenarios in my head ...I could take her home and not ride , that felt terrible, I could get on her and get bucked off, or I could get on her and have a great ride. My friend held Josie when I got on...What a great trail ride we had...Josie calmed down with in 5 minutes ... She was a rock star ... She wanted to be the leader on the trail , she was respectful to all the new horses she met along the journey...
What a successful time we had ... How did it feel to over come a fear ?GREAT! What was I thinking? I stopped thinking and just did it...I got out of my way and had fun...
Here's to releasing your Fear and living Life to the Fullest!!!
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