The Many Benefits of Be-ing Patient and Finding Forgiveness
Gives YOU the Opportunity to Live & Truly experience life if you choose to.
Wilobe (Bay, brown Horse) & Fiona |
Yes Life can get really dirty and messy like Fiona above...Sometimes you may actually feel like you were run over by a mack truck, or perhaps side swiped, blinded sighted ...
When life gets challenging BE patient , show compassion and love to you. You may never understand why this happened ? Or how could they do this to me? Life is so unfair? Life stinks? The list goes on... What I do know to BE true is that yes there really is a pot of gold at the other end of the rainbow IF you choose to find forgiveness for your self , others or the situation...You may have to be very patient before you discovery the gold...
Apache & Rohan |
When you no longer experience Fun and play in your life , or perhaps you give up your inner power ( unknowingly is what usually happens) life loses it's sparkle ...It's joy's movement...You become stuck, angry , perhaps pull inwards or away, you may even think or feel that you are being attacked like Apache is going after Rohan above... Finding forgiveness sets you free ...
Finding forgiveness is a tough one for a lot of folks... You may want to make a person suffer when in reality all who will ever suffer is you...Forgiving doesn't mean you allow that person to abuse you again, It means you release , let go of the negativity that is stopping you from living your life to the fullest... Weather things happen for a reason or not they are a learning experience...What can you learn from that experience ? Get clarity for what you want... When you become a victim you give up your power , you agree to stay stuck and suffer... Be your own care taker ...What do you need to do for you to heal? Imagine all the wonder-filled opportunities that await you... Get back to loving you unconditionally .
1) What would your perfect job be?
2) Who would your perfect partner BE?
3) What do you want to be thinking , feeling and believing about you know?
4) What adventure do you want to be living?
5) What new opportunity do you want to be stepping into NOW?
Sometimes:Taking time to be alone with you...What are your needs ?desires? Wants?Likes? You have to know what you want ...other wise you leave it open to chance...It's your life get in the driver seat and go Live it.
You have that clarity , compassion and love for you... Be patient and open to receive your new dwelling on the past ... BE so thankful for that new experience, that new person, career, adventure , health, yes you have a new beginning...
It is so worth the wait!!!When you find your Gold , you will understand the sweetness of living.
You are FREE to Be you ...Have fun...Laugh all the time...Create ...LOVE down a hill...Sing...Dance in the rain...Make a snow angel...stay up all night under a blanket of stars...Watch the sun rise...Watch the sun set...Swim in the ocean...Pray...Give thanks...Give back... Celebrate each and every day ...You are alive...What a gift that is!!! Slow your breathe , still your mind and BE... Smile and Enjoy !!!
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