
Lisa Kuchinski
Be It Coaching/ Free Spirit Ranch

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The New Year , A clean slate

               The New Year ; A Clean Slate

Both Photos are of different sections of our driveway . The driveway to the ranch is close to 1/2 mile from the road . I love the seclusion , peace that offers me. Isn't it beautiful ? Look at that blue sky . When I look out and see just the snow I said to myself "Lisa 2015 is a few days away , its a fresh new year like the snow , what is it that my heart and  soul want to experience"? 

What do you think my answer to my self was? 
1) Live  the Divine Feminine / Goddess energy every day and embrace being female.
2) Be in-lined with receiving more prosperity that flows constantly in to my life.
3) Be able to be more compassionate , loving to the world and all that live on it. 
4) To have a relationship with a man that would enhance everything above .
 When I read these sentences I am filled with such joy I start to  tremble inside .
  STOP !!!
I shared my dream for 2015 , I allowed myself to be vunerable to me and you, now get a beautiful piece of paper , take 5 deep inhales and exhales and ask your heart and soul what do I really truly want to experience and live this year ? The thought of having it chokes you up and you may feel very emotional. Too many times in life we forget we have a soul , there is a bigger purpose or not. Allow yourself time to figure out what that is . The end rewards will bring you much joy, health and over flowing peace.
Tuck -  teaches us all about being in touch with our inner child and having FUN!
Where is this all going? You'll find out.  
Back to the driveway. I decide it's such a beautiful day , I need exercise, I'm going to shovel the driveway by myself . Oh what fun it will be.  I started by the house for about 40 minutes , then thought perhaps there is less snow up by the gate . 90 minutes have passed I'm feeling overwhelmed " How will I do this? " " call Jack!" "I can do this?" "call Jack!" I finally made the call to my neighbor Jack to please come and plow the driveway. It was so worth the money I spent. How does this snow shoveling and calling Jack relate to setting goals for the New Year.  

Have you heard that phrase "Be careful of what you ask for" . 
You can set your goals and if you are  100% committed to achieving them they may fall into place IF you have done all your self work / exploration / discovery around the experience you've set your intention on.
 In my case in regards to the relationship goal, I haven't learned all I needed to know in order to have a healthy relationship . Today what I didn't know about me brought my whole world tumbling down for part of the day . I cried, called a close girl friend , pulled myself up by my boot straps and spent a few hours contemplating how a piece of my child hood , a belief I had from back then is stopping me from having a relationship and getting my book published . I identified what I needed to change. I have a huge tool box of skills plus colleagues I can call on to help with my action steps and learning's. I am totally emotionally exhausted at the moment BUT I know the change has to start with me , I am replacing that old belief with one that honors  the divine feminine with in me. 
If we keep doing and believing the same we keep getting the same result, if it's honoring and your dreams are happening YES keep it up and spread your know how. If your dream keeps getting farther away from you,  frustration , sadness,  etc are filling your life , it's time for a change , it's worth it! Yes you become a role model to inspire others .

1)Fallen snow represents a clean slate , new beginning.
2) Shoveling represents the excitement of the new BUT the excitement wheres out when difficulty sets in and your not experiencing the results you want.
3) Jack plowing driveway represents reaching out , getting help , empowering yourself  , learning a new skill, learn a new way, reading self help book, etc.

 I am so thankful to have had my driveway plowed. Jack will always plow when we have 2" or more of snow. What will you need to do differently in order to experience your 2015 goals and dreams? It's 110% worth it! As you write your list of new year resolutions please make notes of who or what resources you have available to you to ensure your success. Where can you obtain new resources? Visit your local book store or library , start an empowerment group , BE it!!! 

Have a question, Please ask? 
May 2015 bring you overflowing amounts of Health*JOY*prosperity*LOVE...Peace...Lisa 


Friday, December 12, 2014

Food*Stress*Hungry - Emotional eating

                  Food * Stress * Hungry


 What does Cisco and Willie have in common .
1) They are both the newest ponies to the herd
2) They are both so loved by us , friends and clients
3)  They both need a job on the ranch
4)  They both love to eat all the time
5) They both will do anything to get to food; they'll break fences ,put their heads through the fence to take grain,
beg for food, you name it they will try it. Plus they are so smart.

Cisco and Willie can be a reflection of what happens to folks regarding over indulgence of food. The horses and my clients teach me so much , and I like to pass on my lessons and learning's .

 What Cisco and Willie can teach us regarding eating habits
1) When your in a new surroundings it can be uncomfortable which can lead to eating when not hungry, or choosing foods which I call comfy foods that are high in fat , sugar or salt. They satisfy a person at the moment but after the fact your body feels terrible , the heart is sad , and the mind starts the negative talk .

2) Feelings of loneliness especially during the holiday brings on eating binges. One keeps eating trying to find a food that will satisfy the longing for companionship. The more one try's to fill that emptiness the worse one feels. It truly is a bottomless hole.

3) Boredom causes eating with out purpose . One eats to pass the time.

4) A person is consumed with what they will eat for dinner , breakfast even when eating a meal. 

What we all know for a fact is Stress causes weight gain even if your eating healthy food . I have experienced this is my own life. Now add , dark days to the equation, less than 7 hours of sleep a night, lack of joy & love for self, folks are over worked, perhaps you have become a slave to your children, every where you look or hear there are unhealthy choices of  food to eat, what is a person to do???    

Learn new skills to get your life back in harmony . 
Here a some helpful hits 
a) Hire a coach (me- I know my stuff :) )
b) Be gentle with yourself
c) Make a list of all that situations that cause you to eat when not hungry. Next to each trigger write down what you'd like to do instead. Example 3pm you hit a wall, your exhausted, old habit is eating a candy bar. New habit you start taking an adrenal support and go for a 5-10 minute walk outside. FYI this is my trick for me.
d) Make a meal that will last for four days . My kids hate this, but it encourages them to make a meal if they don't want to eat chili and salad on day 4, and it stops me from buying take out . win / win . 
e) Most importantly eat at least one meal a day as a family . Remind each other to slow down and enjoy what the food tastes like and each others company . Saying a prayer raises the vibration of your food.  Everyone helps , if I cook kids clean , kids cook I clean. If your single invite your friends over for dinner perhaps start a dinner exchange . See how creative you can be.
f) BE very mindful before eating , ask yourself am I hungry , be sure you know what hungry feels like. If your not hungry what emotion do you need to address .  Your body ALWAYS talks to you, please hear it!
g) Carry healthy snacks with you , nuts , protein, veggies, fruit, don't leave home with out them.

Take action in your life. You know if you keep doing the same thing you'll keep getting the same result . No judging yourself , life is an experience , enjoy , laugh, learn , explore , let go , keep your focus on YOU! Who cares what every one else is doing, this is your life, live it for you my friend,


PS ... I mindfully choice the colors I pick in every blog ,  the capitalization and the...(dots)
If your an English major and I'm driving you crazy , let go and embrace the potential of the unknown, possibility and a different way :) 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Stress: is it a choice?

                        Stress is it a Choice?

Willie & Lance rough housing , Fiona & Josie choosing peace.


 Yes it is . Stress can be a good thing but too much of stress isn't . Stress can cause you to slow your metabolism, gain weight , lower immune system, raise your blood pressure . As my son Nick would say " not good".

This time of year can be challenging , YES challenges create opportunity's to grow .  What new skill can you learn to make this your best December?

Helpful Tips: 

*Know how much money is comfortable for you to spend this Holiday . 
Over spending is very stressful , putting gifts on a charge card that you aren't able to pay off in January can disturb your sleep too. Stick to a peaceful money budget. Play with the words you use till you find some that FEEL GOOD.

* Santa  brings one gift per person at our home , plus stockings.
One year my daughter received a refrigerator box filled with balloons from Santa cost $5, box free , used Uncle Johns air tank to fill them up , $5 balloons. She was the happiest three year old around.

*Make a list of everything you feel you have to do between now and January 2. Cut that list in half, Now pick the top three and keep your focus on them . 
I started doing above 11 years ago it has given me the freedom to enjoy the holidays so much more. 

* If some one tells me NO buying me a gift , I respect that . No gift.
How much stuff do we need? I like giving the gift of time or service. I so enjoy when I receive a beautiful package from my kids upon opening are certificates ( they make them) good for 1 cleaning of house , 7 days of chores,  day of errands , etc. Great idea for grandparents , friends, neighbors.    

*Who can you and your family help?
As a family we talk about who do we know that needs help ? When my children were little I'd ask them do you want a gift from me or would you rather we take that money and help...
It feels really good to help , they always choice help. In honesty my youngest would say it feels good to receive too can I get a smaller gift from you instead of_____________ and help.

This is the season of welcoming back the light , Birth ,ideas , possibilities, growth , celebration for a new year &____________. Getting in touch with the child with in you.
Being with the people we love or getting to know someone new. 
What is the true meaning of Jesus to you ___________________?

What is Santa teaching you _________________?

May you find peace in your soul , love in your heart, twinkle in your eyes this December! 
Merry Christmas & Happy New year!
Lance: Moving forward in life, Willie : allowing possibility to come to you, Fiona: LOVE



Sunday, December 7, 2014

Dreams, Take action , Now

                   Dreams, Take Action Now

Fiona - What are you waiting for ? Do it NOW! 

What are your dreams ? Do you have to think about it? Can you instantly rattle them off? What is a dream??? I live in the moment.

During the holidays goals and dreams can be put on the back burner or you can totally embrace them and spend time every day focusing on them. It only takes 5 minutes twice a day. 

Willie - 5 minutes twice a day Yes you can do that.

Willie and Lance remind me every day to keep going forward 

1) Leave the past where it belongs,  in the past.

2) Every second gives you a new opportunity.

3) Think out side the box.

4) Never give up.

5) If something isn't working try something new.

6) Remember your strengths. 

7)Give yourself the gift of five minutes twice a day . 

Write down your goals / dreams . Rank the time three. Circle the one that makes you happiest of the top three. Commit  to five minutes twice a day example 7am & 12;15pm . 7am allow your self to visualize achieving  your goal /dream . 12:15pm what little action step can you take and do it . 

You'll be spending 70 plus minutes a week on your goal/dream .

 In a month you'll spend 280 minutes or 4 hours and 40 minutes  plus.

In a year you'd be creating and taking action for 3640 minutes or 60 plus hours . Imagine what you WILL accomplish between now and next December just by committing 10 minutes a day!  Just DO it! BE it ! Believe in you !   

Willie & Lance Playing... Remember to make this fun!




Friday, December 5, 2014

Stress* Holiday* Peace


Willie the pony teaches us about allowing , never giving up , finding new solutions .

I so enjoy this time of year and look so forward to the winter solstice. Why , I enjoy seeing all the beautiful lights on homes ,businesses . People are creating their own light and sharing it with others. 

Winter solstice, is a celebration and a gift that the days are getting longer and more day light upon us. That fills my soul with joy.

I do believe stress is a choice and a very good motivator if you are a take action person . If you blame the world , parents , society for your lack your giving your power and light with in you away. Life can be very unfair , sad , lonely especially around the holidays. All the commercials with all the external things you may want to give your loved ones. The key word in the last sentence is external. One can have all the things in the world and still be lonely , unhappy and sad. 

Where is all this going you may be thinking . This holiday perhaps draw your intention inward , become aware of how you are feeling? Stop judging yourself, charging gifts on charge cards. Ask yourself these question,( Please write your answers down)

1) " What do I want to experience this holiday season"?

2) " How do I want to feel this holiday season"?

3)  "What is making me sad"?"

4)   " What do I enjoy about this time of year"?

5) " Who can I help ?

6) "What new tradition do I want to start that will honor me , my family and brings peace to my soul"?

Freedom & Monty


Listen to you , you know what is best for you. If your sad , stressed out, thank your self for acknowledging how you feel, your soul is communicating to YOU, it's asking for change . What action do you need to take NOW? What belief needs to change ? What new words do you need to start telling yourself? 

When your in tuned with your soul , your purpose, you experience a peace that keeps you grounded and fills you with love.  Words can't express the feeling.

Breathe deeply and slowly, BE gentle with yourself, Stop being so serious , Life is a game PLAY !!! learn to Play while  mastering your thoughts and feelings .

Freedom( on left)  teaches us about what freedom feels like , while Monty teaches us about releasing , forgiveness .
 ( we experience Freedom when we let go , release , forgive)

 LOVE you!!!

 Remember in order to love others you need to have mastered unconditionally Loving you first. 



Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Being Aware , Hearing your body , get out of the Fog

                      Getting out of the Fog

I so enjoy this photo. It's still and offers me complete peace. It reminds me of  when one surrenders , lets go and decides to step into a more peaceful way of living and be-ING.

It's still fall even though I have 5" of snow outside my window.  I'm presently looking at all this fluffy white stuff while I write today's blog. 

Fall is one of the most powerful seasons . Fall has so much to teach all of us IF we are willing to hear an see the gifts from nature.

When the leaves begin to change from a glorious green ( love) to a multitude of brilliant colors of red (grounding) orange ( flow) yellow( inner power)   , the sun light begins to shorten and many  people will slowly begin to require more sleep, become irritated , angry , sad or depressed . Majority of time we blame these symptoms on lack of sunshine . From my experience as a life coach and energy worker from the past decade I believe it's more than that. 

I believe the trees are reminding us to gently release blocks , anger , stagnation etc... If we release our emotions gently we are like the beautiful leaves just changing color . Isn't it beautiful to watch the leaves when the gently begin to fall from the trees. Question are the trees dieing ? No they are preparing for rejuvenation this winter and growth in the spring. So are we.
What happens with the leaves that wait till the bitter end to fall? They sure get beat up in all the storms , they get dried out, tired , and eventually fall apart . What happens when we hold on to anger, sadness, being right, sickness , envy, jealousy , etc makes you tired , life becomes difficult , you age quickly your heart becomes hard , the more you talk about how horrible life is ...what happens???  it gets worse doesn't it . You become caught up in the storm of life just hanging on like those last few leafs, thoughts , situations etc.

This has been my easiest fall in a long time because I studied the tress this year and I truly listened and watched . My favorite tree is the Willow . The Willow is so graceful , goes with the flow , they can be messy but they're releasing what they no longer need. What is your favorite tree ? Not sure , give your self the next six months to get to know all the kinds of trees around you. I have been writing in a journal since I was a teenager , plus I had all those journals. I stayed up all night reading through them all and I discovered I kept writing about the same thing when it came to allowing large sums of money into my life . I started to laugh because I had a belief around money , it wasn't my belief but one I grew up with and I allowed it into my life and over time I made it my belief. Can I blame my parents ? No I can not! I decided to keep that belief , that was my free will as an adult .

What do you think I did ? It's 5:30 in the morning , I've been up all night , plus it's freezing out. I took all my journals and burned them . That sure was freeing and I feel so much lighter in my Be-ing. I did a few techniques for my self that I will share in the next few blogs. Life is now how I love it to be once again. :)

You don't have to burn your journals . But I recommend

1) spending 20 minutes outside each day .
2) be aware of what your feeling and seeing- journal about it
3) drink 8 glasses of clean water daily
4) hug yourself and ask for hugs
5)Start a list of your beliefs and decide what beliefs you need  to let go of. Perhaps it's time to add a few beliefs that are honoring to you and the world.

Enjoy your new adventure...Remove the guilt and  allow yourself to appreciate the experience, lessons and learning. 

Health *Joy*prosperity...Peace...Lisa





Monday, November 17, 2014

Releasing , Letting go of the Past

             Releasing , Letting Go of the Past

Question for you , how many trees out there do you see holding onto there leafs? What happens in the fall ? The tress shead their leafs in order to regenerate and allow new growth to be a possibility . Imagine if a tree refused to allow the leafs to fall . The leafs dry up but eventually a huge storm will come in at that remaining leaf is going to fall off. Do you think a tree concerns its self with a leaf it wanted to keep three years ago? A decade ago?
What would happen to that tree if all it thought of was that beautiful leaf that fell off? It's not fair? Life is horrible I wanted to keep that  leaf . I'm going to hold on to the the  bitter end because I want that leaf. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it ?

That leaf represents beliefs , thoughts , your past. When you hold on to the past your signing up willingly on some level to be in a consent storm.  Think of the snow storm and how the snow can pile up , especially if your not shoveling . The snow gets pretty heavy and extremely dirty over time. As the snow piles up so do your emotions , frustration , resentments , anger begins to set it. When you have anger and resentment in your life there isn't much room for joy or possibility is there? 

What in your past is holding you back? What belief is keeping you from living an incredible life ? Perhaps you know or don't know. Do you need to know ? I don't believe so, you just need a willingness to let go and make room for the present allow for forgiveness and  new beliefs . The tree is always living in the present , the now . A living tree flows with the storms, gives rebirth to its self and grows each spring. 

  Lance is the horse looking at you . Lance teaches us about going forward . In order to go forward we need to leave the PAST behind. What can you do to release the past and start moving forward and take action in your life . Yes reclaim your life.

1) You have to be ready to start telling yourself a new story.

2) Stop blaming people , situations , etc for where your life is and start taking responsibility .

3)Make a list of what needs to be released example :

a) no money

b) sick 

c)people are mean to me

d) failure 

e)life stinks

4) Write the opposite of the above words example :

a) no money......................................I allow money into my life , it feels great . 

b) sick................................................Health, Healthy 

c) People are mean to me................ I attract kind people   to me

d) failure...........................................Success

e)life stinks ......................................I love life , life loves me

For the next seven days give this try , I know it works because I personally do this and so do my clients. Carry your list of new beliefs with you at all times. Example below . Write them down and say out loud or sing, ten times,  three times a day for seven days.      

I allow money into my life , it feels great . 

Health, Health 

I attract kind people  to me


I love life , life loves me

When ever the old way , negative words, self doubt starts coming in , tell yourself to stop , literally brush yourself off, imagine the negative words , thoughts being leafs on your body you no longer need , brush them off.  Keep 100% Focus on your new list of words...only allow your new words to be PRESENT in your life . 

What is another meaning for Present ...Gift...Yes give yourself the gift of releasing what no longer serves you , make room for what does, keep all your thoughts on the new words. congratulations you are taking your first step towards Freedom.

This is Freedom


 Make a copy of the horse above . His name is Freedom . He helps us with understanding what it means to have Freedom in our lives. 

I will be blogging lots on releasing the past for the next month . Please use what works for you , release what doesn't . I  am sharing what I know has worked for me , my family and clients.




Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Impossible Can BE Possible

           The Impossible Can BE Possible

 It was a work weekend at the Free Spirit Ranch , which is my home early October 2014. I normally always take of my rings off when working out side .

 I was putting small squares into round hay feeders and then stacking arrival of new small squares . I glazed at my hand and noticed I only had one ring on my hand , I was missing a ring . My heart felt like it was going to stop and it was hard to breathe for a moment . This ring is a family heirloom that has been around for over 200 years. How could I possibly lose it in one year. 


All the above photos could be possibilities of where I lost the ring. I felt like I was looking for a  needle in a hay stack . We all looked for it and the ring was not to be found. I knew that I had to believe I would find the ring. I didn't believe I could find the ring at this moment in time, so I was wasting my energy and time by looking.  

I talked to mom and she reminded me of St.Anthony and to ask for help in finding the ring. I was too sad to hear what she was saying . Six weeks have gone by and winter weather is approaching . The ground will freeze.

 I'm in Red Wing Minnesota doing errands and I have a feeling come over me that it is now or never. I begin to think about the ring and all the people before me that have worn it and the person that made the ring. I'm on my way home , I turn my truck around go to the equipment rental store and get a metal detector. I tell the women my story and she said 50% of the folks find what they are looking for . I decide at that moment I will be that 50%. 

I then stop at the health food store , there are 6 ladies in the store and on checking out I tell them my ring story and ask them to pray or set the intention that I will find the ring . Two of the ladies remind me of St.Anthony and tell me the prayer they say.

All the way home I say the prayer . Every cell in my body knows I will find, be guided to that ring. I narrowed my search down to 20 acres . I asked my son Nick to help , which he declined and said you can do it mom.

I said a prayer , visualized the ring , stood in the yard and just allowed myself to BE. I picked up the metal detector and a shovel and walked into the paddock where we feed the hay. I stopped thinking and allowed myself to feel.  Three days previous I moved the hay feeders. I walked to one spot , the metal detector went off , I scooped up a big shovel full of dirt , manure and hay . It was pretty disgusting , before touching it I ran the metal detector over it again and it went off. Took me a few minutes to break up that pile and look through it. Guess what? I found the ring . It only took me 5 minutes! I thanked the Creator, St.Anthony , the ladies that were praying and myself for trusting and knowing the impossible could be possible. Yes I cried because I was so happy .

I learned so many lessons that day. 
1) I / You can do anything with the help of others . Help can be a prayer.
2) I/ You have to believe , know that it  will happen, " It happened"
3) Listen to that inner voice , intuition . I followed.
4) Have a crystal clear focus. Knowing I would find the ring. I did.
5) Trust in something greater than myself. I did.
6) I changed my thought and feelings regarding finding the ring. Ring found.
7) Life is fabulous and there are so many beautiful people in this world.

May my story bring you hope, trust , knowing... Be thankful every day , we get more of what we are thankful for. So Be it...What was lost is now Found! What do you need to be open to finding in your life _________________, the being open to find will give you___________________.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Cisco Challenge - Be Healthier

      The Cisco Challenge : BE Healthier

Cisco( horse) & Allie

Meet Cisco , he is the newest arrival to Free Spirit Ranch . He's a POA ( Pony of America)
He's out of shape and needing to have a new job... I will be blogging about Cisco journey at Free Spirit Ranch . 

Cisco has been here for one month . He's getting a lot of exercise . What a nice boy he is . He enjoys trail riding . A deer and a turkey jumped out in front of him and didn't phase him at all. He took his first jump in the woods and enjoyed it . Lots of firsts for Cisco . 

We let him tell us what he enjoys and that is what we'll do with him.  Maybe he'll be an event-er, or perhaps a dressage pony ,  a trail horse, maybe a barrel racer? We'll give Cisco lots of experiences and he'll let us know what he enjoys.   What do you enjoy? What new experiences would you like to have? Trying new things energizes the soul and helps you discover your passion . 

We exercise Cisco 4 days a week for 30 -60 minutes  . How much do you exercise ?  
What would happen in your life today IF you made the commencement  to exercise 4 days a week for 20 -30 minutes .  What would happen in your life if you didn't? 

 The Cisco Challenge :
1)Commit to exercising 4 days a week 
*walk *Dance* Skip rope *play tag *Yoga*skate*run*bike *hike*Lift weights*Pilates *

2)Try something new each week
Learn to play an instrument* Learn a new language* paint*draw*sing*write a poem*make a new recipe*sky dive*set a goal*day dream* talk to people you don't know, volunteer at a soup kitchen, learn to ski , join a group, breathe deeply ,  etc. 

The healthier you are the better you feel = more energy and a better outlook= possibility will begin to show up in your life ...


Get out of your comfort zone today . 
BE it!!!
Health*JOY*prosperity ...Peace...Lisa

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