
Lisa Kuchinski
Be It Coaching/ Free Spirit Ranch

Monday, January 6, 2014

Focus 2014

                      Importance of Focus

Monty: Teaches you importance of forgiveness

            What are your top 3 goals or intentions for 2014?

    Write them down and place them someplace where, you can   easily review them several times a day.

Rohan (Inner power) & Wilobe (Moving forward) Playing

 Can accomplishing goals and intention be fun, YES it sure can be...If Rohan and Wilobe can play and be happy in -37 degree weather, Taking small action steps each day can be easy and fun to!

Fiona ( Love and Compassion) Phlaggston ( Honoring self)

 When you fully honor yourself with love and compassion your able to Joyfully set aside 15 minutes a day for action steps to accomplish your goals/Intentions. What time of day everyday will you give yourself the gift of time for your future?

As you view both photos of horses which one would you choose to put your goal or intention in?

The picture on the left ... When you zoom in on your goal all your attention is able to be on your goal ( One horse) ... Your able to focus on one thing Versus  distractions that come your way. When you have a goal / Intention you turn auto pilot off in your mind and you are a positive creator in your life ...Does that feel good? 

Shadow ( light and dark of situations)

What will happen in your live when you accomplish your goal or master your intention? What won't happen if you don't?

How will you celebrate ?







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