
Lisa Kuchinski
Be It Coaching/ Free Spirit Ranch

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


He said...She said... She said ...He said...



Many of my clients are couples ...What folks do to each other unconsciously saddens my heart...The area we all can pay special attention to is communication and be responsible for our own happiness. Sorry blaming someone else for your unhappiness doesn't fly...No one can make you unhappy. You allow your self to be unhappy.

 The second week of every month  I will be sharing stories, ideas and examples of how to have healthy, loving , respectful relationships between couples... Many of my clients have had to dig deep down in their souls and find enormous amounts of forgiveness for themselves and their partners.

We are not taught how to have a successful relationship . Majority of us have come from families that had abuse , addiction , no communication, no affection , no kindness , or blaming the other partner for all the problems ... etc... 

Three can be a crowd

How many folks do you know that are happily married and adore each other? How many folks do you know that are miserable, cheat and are disrespectful ?...We are all role models for all the people around us...Starting today make the commitment to yourself to have a fabulous relationship with you so you can have an amazing relationship with a partner...Imagine the possibilities and all the LOVE.

I believe if we can learn to have healthy , loving relationships we can change the world through love and kindness...  My Initials LK... Yes we have to remember to keep the humor.

I think of the world as a huge play ground ... Some play grounds are new , shinny and beautiful others are full of garbage. You can choose to stay in the play ground with all the garbage or you can learn how to get yourself out and create your own. Leave the garbage behind and start desiring and wanting something new that honors your soul and others.

I Love you * I Love you not


A little bit about be ... I was married for 12 years  separated for 4 years, majority of it was dysfunctional . It's taken me a long time to fully understand the role I played. I wanted to blame my ex for everything, so much easier that way. We took a compatibility test from the minister who counseled us on marriage. He cautioned us on two areas we needed to do work around or we would have lots of difficulty. We did not take him seriously, he was very correct, our values and beliefs were very different and our communication needed help.

 We both had dysfunction in our back grounds and all that garbage came along for the ride. Yes I was equally to blame... I lost respect for him, put kids , family and friends before him. I even bought a king size bed so all the 10 kids could sleep with us . We only had three kids (Humor)... Yes all three slept with me and he slept in the boys room. This may sound familiar or not.

I was single for 9 years which gave me the opportunity to do a lot of soul searching , learning and  growing. I now have a loving , caring respectful , supportive relationship . We are offering  client couple workshops together at the ranch with the horses. He helps me to understand the male being and I help him understand the female being . Men you are now being represented in my coaching business by a man, plus all the male horses and it's awesome. I am a Libra so I believe in balance, fairness and lots of humor.


 Tomorrow I will be sharing my first couple story...Please share your success stories ... Life is all about learning from each other ...


FYI : Red represents  all the important words

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