Purpose Living
Are you living a Life of Purpose daily?
Phlaggston - Teaches you about inner self and power. |
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Or, Are you a living a life on Auto pilot?
Eagle teaches you about knowing the wisdom that is with in you. |
When you go about your day NOT thinking or feeling your on autopilot ...No creativity is happening , your being the working Bee. By the time your 35 years young 90% of your life is on autopilot. That is a very scarey thought. If you decide to stay in that self learned comfy zone your life will be the same until your soul leaves ( you die) ... That is so very sad .
Eagle and Ghost( Creating your own path) | |
When you live a life of Purpose you have a focus , goals ,dreams and you experience living from a place of being thankful having gratitude and giving back to society , nature , community , family...etc.
You know what you want , you've turned the cruise control off and have
a desire to be experiencing something more. Yes your embracing and
loving life.,
How can you start living a life of purpose NOW?
1) Wake up in the morning say out loud what you are thankful for. Feel happy inside.
2) Say out loud what actions steps your taking towards your goals.
3) Be kind to every one on your journey.
4) Connect with your heart, soul and faith .
5) Have a conscious awareness of your breath. Completely fill your lungs with air.
6) Begin to notice all the beauty around you, down to the littlest of details , creatures , clouds, fragrance , colors etc.
7) Experiencing life from a place of being thankful for the lessons learned . ( no blaming) .
May you day , evening , week, month , 2014 be overflowing with __________________________________________.
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