
Lisa Kuchinski
Be It Coaching/ Free Spirit Ranch

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Fear : Do you embrace it?

                   Fear, fear, FeAr, RaeF, faer

What would happen if you embraced fear , morphed it , or gave it a whole new meaning ? 

 For the majority of us today we are blessed with NOT having to  panic about were our next meal will come from, being in distress about being attacked by wild animals daily or dred about having to bath in freezing cold water in April due to no running hot water. 

I have many clients who are fearful and come to work with the horses and I to change that fear energy into spark , creativity a challenge . Here's a quick exercise that I have my clients do.

Are you ready to embrace a new way of looking at the word fear. Grab a piece of paper write down what the number one thing is that you have been putting off for the last three years. Perhaps it's having a budget or managing your money, perhaps it to stop drinking , perhaps its to get in shape , perhaps its to start your own business, being the best parent or become a writer? Write it down... 

99.9 % of the time what stops each and every one of  us from accomplishing greatness is fear. Fear can keep you safe, be a warning or it can stop you dead in your tracks. First ask your self am I safe ? If your answer is yes,condense what you have written from above  into one sentence. 

Now the fun begins , lets take the fear away and get you on your journey to living the life you were born to  live . 

Here's an example of a sentence "  I am not starting a new business because I don't have enough time , don't think I can do it" 

Now rewrite the sentence putting the first word at the end of the sentence and say out loud" am not starting a new business because I don't have enough time , don't think I can do it I" ( YES say it out loud to you! , yes you are a very important person!)  

Put the first word again at the end of the sentence and say out loud "  " Not starting a new business because I don't have enough time don't think I can do it I am " 

Do this for every word. Congratulations , you've removed all emotion of the fear that has been holding you back . How do you know that is true ________________________________, yes say it out loud.  So be it! 

Life is a magnificent playground , stop working so hard and start playing , learning , exploring , wondering  BE curious of all the possibility that is waiting for you! 

I am walking on top of the great mighty Mississippi River 

1 comment:

  1. Love It! Hope to see you Marcch 20th or March 21st!��


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