
Lisa Kuchinski
Be It Coaching/ Free Spirit Ranch

Wednesday, June 19, 2013



According to Webster dictionary the definition of  Excellence is " To BE greater than, Surpassing goodness, merit, superiority, something which in a person or thing excels, particular virtue.

 The question for today is Where in your life do YOU want to excel and BE outstanding?  BE  the Best YOU?

Perhaps it's in parenting , relationship with self and that special someone, business, or in creating.... Decide at this moment what you want to excel at...IF you don't know your life will continue to happen around you and you my friend will remain in the passenger seat.

Once you've picked what you want to BE outstanding at, it's a conscious decision every morning when you awake and the last thing you think about at night .

Excellence is a choice
Excellence is a decision
Excellence is a focus 

Imagine how your life would look, feel if you lived to your full potential?

What would happen if you kept your focus on the positive instead of the negative? What wouldn't happen?

What would happen if you you kept your focus on opportunities instead of obstacles? What wouldn't happen?

What would happen if you stayed focus on what YOU were creating/BEing rather than being distracted? What wouldn't happen?

YOU are a very powerful , YOU have all the resources you need with in YOU to LIVE to YOUR fullest potential.  May you decide today to be your own leader to create a destiny that honors you, others, nature .....BE it!!!!


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