
Lisa Kuchinski
Be It Coaching/ Free Spirit Ranch

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Living life to the FULLEST

               Living live to the Fullest


Yes Living Life to the fullest ! What does that mean exactly? Do you wake each morning excited to start a new day? Do you wake up being thankful that you can breathe, smell and move your body? Do you wake up knowing that you will have a remarkable day, there may be some challenges BUT  YOU have all the resources with in you  to figure it out!

Yes you have all the resources with in ...What does that mean? Or are you thinking, she is so out there! When you are born you are hard wired from Faith ( Faith is what you believe to be absolutely true for you and you only ). to access all information...At one time you knew that . Have you ever wondered how do some children , young adults or Einstein just know so much, or perhaps you remember a time when you asked yourself a question, and you knew the answer , that is right you knew the answer.

When you are connected to your inner self ( soul) and your Faith,  All in life is possible .  Life has a new meaning, your happier and life offers you more opportunities. Have you ever noticed that when you are worried ,scared or fearful that more of those situations appear in your life. Imagine if you were to let go of that?

I truly believe our lives are meant to have meaning, we are here to learn , have fun and learn to love ourselves and others ( animals, plants, earth, etc... ).

When you  take time out of  your life (10 minutes a day) and start to think and write  what do I want to be living and experiencing today , NOW...Your begin to invite a new way of believing into your world...

I challenge you today to go someplace by yourself , bring some colored markers, pens and a piece of paper . Spend ten minutes drawing or writing down what you would so enjoy your life looking , feeling and hearing like  NOW.    Before you go to sleep this evening review your paper.

The next two post will be on going more into detail on the hows to having a full-filling Life  .



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