
Lisa Kuchinski
Be It Coaching/ Free Spirit Ranch

Saturday, July 13, 2013

In an Instant


                            In An Instant

Yes your life as you know it at this moment can change instantaneously for the better or worse. 95 % of the time our actions , beliefs , self talk,  how you see / feel/ hear /the world  send out a vibration to bring YOU that experience... 

The horses teach you to BE-aware of what your sending out into the world, Because what you are vibrating out IS coming.. back to you...

This is a great story ... One of My clients Debbie decided it was time for a relationship in her life... The past Four months she was writing, cutting out pictures , and becoming 100% crystal clear about the man she wanted to meet and the relationship she wanted to experience... She put lots of time into this...Plus she has put time into healing all her past relations and knowing what a healthy relationship would BE for her.

Guess what they found each other... Debbie's friends brought her to an event that she didn't really want to go to... Conner's friends brought him to the same event ... They met!!! Instant attraction!!! So beautiful to see the two of them together!

Conner had every quality on Debbie's list ... They both have done their healing, Both their hearts are open and ready to receive love and kindness, They enjoy the same things... 

Key pieces to note:

1) doing your self work/ healing your past hurts, finding forgiveness for self and others/ knowing you are worthy of living a Fabulous life which has Lots of LOVE in it!

2) Be-ing clear about what you need

3) Be-ing open and excited to receive your desire or something better

4) Be-ing Thankful and grateful for all that you have in life...

5) Nurture, Love  and Care for that relationship once you have it. What a gift!

Today may you spend time on the life you want to be living... Send that energy out into the world! 


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