
Lisa Kuchinski
Be It Coaching/ Free Spirit Ranch

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

You are were you are ???

                     You are Were YOU are?

Lately I have been hearing so many people say that they are exactly were they are sub-post to BE in life? Well if YOU are living an amazing live I believe that ...

But if you are unhealthy, sad , can't pay your bills, relationship is dysfunctional , hate your body, have no energy , are negative , no balance , mind keeps racing... It is time to STOP saying this is what "God" wants me to be experiencing , "Karma" , " I am exactly where I am sup-post to be" ??? 

This is your WAKE UP CALL !!!

 You are where you are in life because of YOU !!!

Congratulations if your a pro-creator of your life! Teach others!

If your ready to start believing and living a life that honors YOU now , Please continue reading!

You have all the resources in YOU at this moment to begin living a better life NOW! Is it going to take some work? YOU beat it is...

Starting today ...

1)Every morning tell yourself that you are thankful to be alive!

2) Stop allowing negative thoughts to enter your mind.

3) Begin to eat healthy...learn about nutrition...get a new cook book...You can control what goes into your mouth. If you are over weight...You are not alone ... It's my experience that you are protecting yourself from ________? You know the answer. Who do you need to forgive? What belief do YOU need to let go of now? It is that simple...

4) Get up and move your body everyday! Walk , dance , workout, skip , swim, bike...

5)  Divinity ...Faith...Goddess...God...Spirit...Universe...
Spend time on knowing what you believe...Does it honor you and humanity... Do you need to expand what you believe?  Do you need to Believe something new?

6)  Get connected with yourself...The only one who can make YOU happy is you...What makes you happy?

7) Start seeing, feeling , hearing life as you want it to be...

8) STOP talking about what you do NOT want!  START telling a new story..." I am so excited for that new job because I am going to be experiencing ______________ !

9) Believe you deserve to be living a great life!

10)  BE accountable ... YOU are the only person who can change your life...YOU decide what you want to be feeling, believing about you ! Make it honoring and loving!

11) YOU CAN DO IT !!! GO FOR IT !!! 

12) Know what your goals and dreams are. Spend time everyday on action toward them!


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